Useful Hints


Tips for your

Wedding Day

Enjoy your day!

I know it is easier said than done but - Relax and enjoy your day, let everyone else take care of everything else. Smile, laugh, and catch up with all your guests. The best photos are of happy people!


It may not seem like a big important thing but - choose your confetti wisely! The larger the confetti pieces the better, as they will show up better in photos. But also make sure your confetti pieces are thin and light. When your guests are throwing them into the air you don’t want them to come crashing back down in an instant, they will make a far better photo if they fall gracefully in the air. Also it doesn't look good if the bride and groom are being hit in the face by small heavy bits of confetti. Lastly it gives photographers much more time to capture the photo. Think about the colour of the confetti as this will dominate your photo.

Walk slowly

When you are walking down the isle, even though it may feel like you want to run to the finish line, use all your will and might to walk slowly! Take a pause with every step. Tell all the bridal party to do the same, this moment happens once in a life time, take it all in! Photographers only have one chance at getting these shots so if you take your time it gives us plenty more opportunities to capture the special moments. This rule goes for any walking shot we might ask you to do too!

Sparkler photos

Sparkler photos are a popular shot to end the night with. There are some important steps to follow to avoid any disastrous moments from happening. They should take place the earlier the better, so that your guests have had less to drink, at first dusk is the perfect time. Bare in mind that you will need to provide the sparklers, lighters/ matches, a bucket and some sand to put them out in afterwards. I will arrange all the guests in two lines for you to walk through slowly, once halfway down stop, take a pose, and then continue. The venue will request that everyone must dispose of their sparklers in the bucket of sand afterwards.

Consider an alternative pair of shoes

If your portrait photo’s are really important to you, and you don’t care what it takes to get those amazing shots - then consider an alternative pair of shoes for this part of the day. Don’t let a pair of shoes hold you back from getting your out of this world photos to treasure forever!

Be prepared for all weather

I will be keeping a close eye on the weather forecast - being in Britain every eventuality could happen! If it is likely to rain, consider purchasing some clear umbrellas for your bridal party. If if is likely to be 30 degrees - don’t forget your sunscreen!

Don’t stress about the dress

Lets face it - your dress is probably going to get dirty - if you accept this early on then it will be a lot less shocking when it happens on the day. If you choose not to venture off further afield from the venue for your portrait photos because of your dress then be realistic about the end result.

Consider banning phones at the ceremony

They can be a real distraction and don’t look good in pictures. your photographer will capture all of this, so why not have everyone else absorbing and living in the moment.

Keep group photos to a minimum

Bare in mind that each photo takes approx 5 mins to set up. Have a list ready made - and have a designated member of the bridal party shout everyone over when its their turn.

Get into your dress early

For some reason, brides leave getting into their dress till the very last minute. Noooo - don’t do this. The dress takes longer than you think to put on. You also want to allow yourself time to have pictures with your bridal party once you are all ready. Similarly, as the bride - dont be the last to get your hair and make up done - allow time for re-adjustements and top ups!

Hang your dress up

Hang your dress up and leave all your details out. I will take pictures of things like your perfume, jewellery and the dress while you are getting ready so if you have these ready for when I get there, then I don’t need to disturb you.

Keep your dressing room tidy

Try and keep all your bags and coats away and keep your room as tidy as possible. They don’t look great on photos and will be hard to avoid in the background.

Set up by a window

If you have a choice on where to do your make-up then set up by a window to allow as much natural light to hit you as possible. Your make up artist will be a fan of this too, the more light the better!

Send me a list of your suppliers

Don’t forget to send me a list of your suppliers, this is so that I can credit them in my work and keep in contact with them should I need to.